Migrant Children Integration (MiCreate)

Handbooks for teachers

The Integration Lab handbook Living in Multicultural Schools was produced with the aim of providing support and assistance to teachers in their daily work in culturally mixed classes and in the integration of immigrant children.

it was produced as part of the European MiCREATE project:

Migrant Children Integration (MiCreate) - Handbooks for teachers

Living in Multicultural schools: Handbook for Teachers (ENGLISH)

Życie w wielokulturowym środowisku szkolnym: podręcznik dla nauczycieli (POLISH)

Convivint en escoles multiculturals: guia per a docents (CATALAN)

Conviviendo en escuelas multiculturales: guía para docentes (SPANISH)

Livet i mangfoldige skoler: Håndbog til lærere og pædagoger (DANISH)

Schulen als multikultureller Lebensraum: Ein Lehrerhandbuch (GERMAN)

Življenje v večkulturnih šolah : priročnik za učitelje (SLOVENIAN)